Our Physiotherapists in Nuneaton, Tamworth, Warwick, Birmingham and Coventry are Chartered and Registered with the Health Professions Council (HPC) and BSc Physiotherapy, (MCSP, HPC)
Your treatments may include:
- Manipulation – Mobilisations
- Progressive regime of exercises and stretches
- Electrotherapy i.e. Interferential, Ultrasound, Tens, Traction etc.
- Acupuncture
- Pilates exercises
- Back Care Programme
- Fitness Screening
- Lifestyle – Ergonomic – Postural advice
Our aim is to expedite your return to full fitness.
We treat:
- Necks and backs
- Sprains and strains
- Trauma
- Sports Injuries
- Work related disorders
- Age related complaints
- Arthritis
- Post operative rehabilitation and therapy.